Out of Breath? Fainting? Tired? Shortness of breath with exertion? These are some of the symptoms of Pulmonary Hypertension. Click here to learn more about PH.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Allen's Story of being a Caregiver!

I am the surviving widower of a beautiful, loving, courageous PHer whom I choose to honor via this e-mail. While I have vivid and wonderful memories of our short time together, I want to use this e-mail to offer words of encouragement to the caregivers, spouses, SO’s, children, and other relatives and friends of all PH patients. Your support and love are so verrrrry vital and important to your loved one with PH. While you are taking care of your loved one, remember to take care of yourself. Keep an open dialog with your support group and do let yourself feel!


1 comment:

Annette Markin said...

Allen, thank you for your continued support of PHA and all of us.
a phriend